Many of the disharmonies and disorders that can occur during a woman's fertile life may respond well to reflexology therapy. Reflexology may help:
maintain regular cycles
painful periods
heavy periods
relieve PMT
support the woman through pregnancy
support the woman through the menopaus
Pregnancy Reflexology
Many women experience frustration and disappointment that coping with pregnancy is not as straightforward as they may have hoped. They’re often unaware of the options available to them to help optimize their physical and emotional health during pregnancy, and help them prepare for a straightforward birth.
Reflexology is one of the most popular complementary therapies used by women during pregnancy. Trials have found that those receiving regular treatments during pregnancy tend to deliver closer to term, have shorter labour pain and are less likely to require medical intervention.
As well as relieving anxiety and promoting a general sense of well-being, some specific benefits of pregnancy reflexology may include:
Increasing energy levels
Reducing fluid retention and swelling
Aiding digestion and prevention of heartburn
Improved sleep
Relieving discomfort and back ache
Reducing stress induced hypertension
Relieving symptoms of symphysis pubis dysfunction
Reducing the likelihood of medical induction at hospital.