The low back, also called the lumbar region, is the area of the back that starts below the ribcage. Almost everyone has low back pain at some point in life. It’s one of the top causes of missed work in India and as well as European countries. Fortunately, it often gets better on its own within two three days. When it doesn't, your doctor may be able to help and advice several effective treatments like chiropractic adjustment, trigger point therapy, myofascial release therapy etc.
In the Lumbar Spine pain, what can go wrong?
The low back supports the weight of the upper body and provides mobility for everyday motions such as bending and twisting. Muscles in the low back are responsible for flexing and rotating the hips while walking, as well as supporting the spinal column. Nerves in the low back supply sensation and power the muscles in the pelvis, legs, and feet.
Most acute low back pain results from injury to the muscles, ligaments, joints, or discs. The body also reacts to injury by mobilizing an inflammatory healing response. While inflammation sounds minor, it can cause severe pain.
There is a significant overlap of nerve supply to many of the discs, muscles, ligaments, and other spinal structures, and it can be difficult for the brain to accurately sense which the cause of the pain is. For example, a degenerated or torn lumbar disc can feel the same as a pulled muscle – both creating inflammation and painful muscle spasm in the same area. Muscles and ligaments heal rapidly, while a torn disc may or may not. The time course of pain helps determine the cause.

Symptoms of Low Back Pain :
These might range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Pain that comes on suddenly is “acute.” It might happen during sports or heavy lifting. Pain that lasts more than 3 months is considered “chronic.” If your pain is not better within three days, you should consult a doctor. But it can be a challenge to be sure which doctor to see. Because for this you have to try to identify why you are having this pain. If it is a muscle sprain or there is a defect in the spinal cord then you should see a chiropractor. he can help you better.
Symptoms That Require Urgent Care :
See a health care professional any time you have back pain after a fall or injury. The same goes if you have back pain with bowel or bladder control problems, leg weakness, fever, or pain when coughing or peeing.
Reasons that increase your back pain:
Chronic Conditions:
Herniated Disk, Your Posture, Your Workout, Your office Bag or wallet, Your Job type, Muscle Strain or Sciatica,
Several chronic conditions can lead to low back pain.
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, which can put pressure on the spinal nerves.
Ankylosing spondylitis inflames the joints of the spine, and sometimes the shoulders, hips, ribs, and other areas too. It causes chronic back pain and stiffness. In serious cases, spinal vertebrae start to fuse (grow together).
Fibromyalgia causes widespread muscle aches, including back pain.
Who's at Risk for Lower Back Pain?
Most people experience back pain first when they're in their 30s. The odds of additional attacks increase with age. Other reasons your low back may hurt include:
Being overweight
Being sedentary
Lifting heavy stuff on the job
Chiropractic treatment, myofascial release technique, Trigger point therapy, stop the pain treatment, Amrikology treatment, Reflexology therapy etc. These services are available in our clinic " National Holistic Health Care India (Regd.)" for lower back pain prevention.
Chiropractic adjustment:
Chiropractors and some osteopathic doctors may try to move the joints of your spine to treat low back pain. They apply pressure with their hands to bones and surrounding tissues. This treatment is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to tell your provider about all your symptoms and health issues.
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